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Saturday, May 7, 2011

waLk, waLk and walk... hehehhehe

Assalamualaikum kpd blogger sumew... (^;^)

Sesuai dengan tittle for dis entry..,
ermm walk, walk and walk.. hhehhehhehe
on 5th of May, last week I and my friends were attended the walkathon program
kami seramai 76 students dipilih utk mewakili kolej...
huhuhuhu.., bngga laa jgk sbab ak terpilih.. wakakkaka ( pewasan lorr )
yg bestnya selain dpt sehat kan tubuh bdn sy yg dh debabppy niey,
of course laa bley melarikan diri jap drpd attend class utk revision..

about dis program :-

Activities :
The 5km Putrajaya Walk In Conjunction With International Day of The Midwife.

Locations :
Padang Semarak, Taman Wetland Putrajaya,
Persint 13, Putrajaya.

Organiser :
Lembaga Bidan Malaysia
Ministry of Health

* These are the pics yg sempat jgk ak snap time kt sane.. :-))

dengan semangat nyerr kami mula berjalan kaki..
dis program was start around at 8.30 am.

when we start walk...
dah mula da sesi bergmbar.
sah2 giler cam... hahahhhaha
uikkkk, time niey asal gmbr ak nmpk klabu..
niey x aci niey.. :-(

bley dikatakan ramai jgk yg join dis program
sambutan amat menggalakkan
maklum laa from 1 M'sia.. huhuhuhu
ad jgk student nurses yg dtg dari collegues laen

- k.fara, me, enny -
1.2.3 snap again...
di pertengahan perjalanan kami

- me, k.fara, k.fiza -
snap again and again... i likeee ;-))
to k.fiza, Hepy besday to her.. hik3

- zila, k.jat, me -
finally we arrived... huhuhu
nmpak x muka penat kami..
yeah2 yeah... kami chat.


Leave your comment here okay,
hope sincerely from your heart to me.
Thank You.


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